Specializing in NFA and Firearm Estate Trusts, Carry Licenses, Restoration of Firearm Rights, Expungements, Reductions of Felonies and Criminal Law in Indiana & Kentucky.

Firearms, NFA, and Criminal Defense Attorney
I am committed to taking the time to listen and explain your options.
You will not find an attorney more dedicated to listening, evaluating, and planning a successful resolution to your legal issues, whether it’s NFA or firearms trust, restoration of your firearms rights, a new or old criminal case, or an issue with obtaining your License to Carry a Handgun.
I promise prompt and direct communication to my clients and to provide the best value in Indiana.
NOTE: I am also the Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield in Indiana and Kentucky. If you own or carry a firearm, you should have firearm insurance from U.S. LawShield, and speak to an attorney BEFORE you speak to the police.
I offer an affordable solution to the typically expensive NFA gun trust. I will happily answer any questions you have and aid you in selecting your beneficiaries and trustees.
I offer a variety of firearms law services at reasonable prices in the estate planning, business planning, criminal law, carry licensing and educational areas of practice.
I defend criminal cases, felonies and misdemeanors, in Central Indiana and across the state.

More About Me...
My office and home is in Greenfield, IN. In my free time I refinish and customize firearms, shoot, and coyote hunt. I am an avid gun collector and supporter of the Second Amendment and the State of Indiana and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
I live and breathe firearms and the laws that control them. In addition, I am a successful and accessible criminal defense attorney.
You’ll find me easygoing and dedicated. You’ll find that I will answer my phone even on evenings and weekends. Best of all, I can be reached day or night in the event of an emergency or contact with law enforcement.

Legal Services Available
Criminal Defense
Firearm Crimes
Protective Orders
LTCH Denials
Firearm / NFA Trusts
Felony Reductions
Firearm Right Restoration
Uncontested Probate

Free Case Evaluation
Feel Free To Reach Out To Me, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.